Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How Do You Obtain Either A Lawsuit Loan Or Lawsuit Funding At No Cost?

Most of the clients who contact us want to know how much obtaining either lawsuit loan or lawsuit funding will cost them. Most clients are totally unaware of the fact that the settlement loan they seek may actually wind up costing them absolutely nothing! When pursued correctly, pre-settlement loans may be another cost for which the defendant becomes responsible.

It is certainly understandable that many of the clients who come to us are concerned about the rumors they've heard about the high-cost of obtaining settlement loans. Due to the rapid-growth and ignorance regarding this industry, rumors and myths abound, suggesting that such funding could actually be the wrong course of action for a plaintiff to pursue. The situation is made more problematic by the fact that many plaintiffs' attorneys are unaware of the fact that such financial assistance exists. Were these attorneys aware of such financial assistance, they would likely recommend it to their clients to enable their clients to continue to pursue litigation when, but for the financial-assistance, their clients would be forced to abandon their claims prematurely.

The problem is also worsened by the fact that the insurance carrier that is on-the-risk for damages their insured caused, will do everything in their power to keep plaintiffs from learning what it is they need to know about obtaining either a lawsuit loan or lawsuit funding. Naturally, insurance carriers are going to want the plaintiff to settle the claim as quickly and cheaply as possible. In fact, the insurance carrier truly just wants the plaintiff to go away in the dead-of-night.

Sadly, many plaintiffs do not have the financial wherewithal to withstand the cost of ongoing litigation. Therefore, they are very likely to abandon their lawsuit prematurely. Many attorneys, antsy to obtain a quick and easy settlement, will often do very little to assist their clients in pursuing such litigation. Contrariwise, there are many plaintiff attorneys who were extremely effective in assisting their clients in obtaining a fair-and-equitable settlement. Make no mistake about it! A good Personal Injury attorney is absolutely essential in such cases!

Well, you've been informed that you may obtain your lawsuit loan or lawsuit funding at no cost to you. The question is, how do you do it? It should be borne in mind that, if the plaintiff intends to utilize the litigation funding obtained in a "frivolous" manner, the costs incurred in obtaining such financial assistance are likely to remain a cost that the plaintiff must bear. However, if the need for such funding arises out of necessity (e.g., to assist the plaintiff to pay utilities, mortgage, car payment, etc.), these costs should be pled as damages. If such damages are awarded in a Court of Law, these costs are shifted directly to the defendant. Therefore, the plaintiff obtains the settlement loan and the defendant pays the bill!

In just a few paragraphs, I'm certain that all of the concerns regarding this issue have not been addressed. However, the plaintiff must ask, "Does obtaining either a lawsuit loan or lawsuit funding cost or pay?" Only the plaintiff will be able to answer the question.

Looking for more information about lawsuit funding? Please allow us to provide more information regarding lawsuit settlement loans. Please stop by today, and you may either apply online for a lawsuit settlement loan or review our lawsuit funding frequently asked questions archive.

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