Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Settlement Loans And Lawsuit Funding - Do You Think That You Are You Being Cheated Out Of The Settlement You Deserve? If So, You're Probably Right!

Have you been involved in personal injury case? Perhaps a family member has. Often times a victim cannot work for some time. You may be permanently disabled. Perhaps you are expecting a large settlement. However, these things can often take a long time to work out. In the mean time, your bills and living expenses continue. You might consider settlement loans and lawsuit funding - are you being cheated in your settlement?

Legal representation

It is always best to have an attorney in these matters. No one else will be looking out for your interests. In all likelihood, you will deal with an obstinate insurance company. They are interested in the well-being of the company. This means giving you the least amount of money that is possible.

Settling your claim

There is a possibility that you will be offered a settlement. It will, most likely, be far less than what you deserve. It may only be a small percentage of the damage you sustained. Make no decision regarding either acceptance or declination of such an offer prior to discussing this with your attorney. Remember, the lower the estimated value of the claim filed, the lower the amount of lawsuit loans available.

Nearly every time, settlements benefit the insurance company. They have experience in these matters. They know that your case may drag out in the courts, for years. (They hope it does!) There is also no way to predict what a jury will decide. The longer your case, takes, the harder it is on you. This makes it easier for the insurance company. Settlement loans and lawsuit funding to the rescue!

You may feel that you have no choice, but to settle at the insurance company's first offer. Maybe you have a great deal of medical bills. Hospitals and doctors want their money. They are not interested if you are working or not. You may have a house payment or rent due, also. If you are not working, there may be no way to pay these bills. Pre-settlement loans may be extremely beneficial in such instances.

Lawsuit Funding and Settlement Loans

Settlement loans and lawsuit funding can provide you with the money you need for bills. Lawsuit loans may enable you to hang in there and get the settlement that you deserve. Pre-settlement loans are not necessarily free. However, in some cases, they will help until you settle your claim. You will not have to repay the loan unless you win your case.


Very frequently, the out-of-court settlement will benefit the insurance company. They know that you can only wait so long. Settlement loans and lawsuit funding may be the answer to your problems. You can have the necessary money to pay expenses and survive until your case is resolved. This may get you a much better settlement.

Want to find out more about lawsuit funding? Then visit our site on how to choose the best settlement loans for your needs.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lawsuit Funding And Settlement Loans: Car Wrecks And Neck Injuries.

Frequently, individuals are involved in car wrecks and wish to obtain settlement loans. Additionally, these individuals frequently want to know whether their claims are of any specific value. Very commonly, these individuals sustain injuries to their neck as a result of these car wrecks. The real question is, “What is the best way to determine the source of the pain and how do I get rid of it?”

It is not uncommon for individuals to conclude that merely because another individual is driving a vehicle that impacted with their vehicle that the other individual will be found liable for injuries/damages arising from that incident. However, such is not the case. In fact, in many instances in which a vehicle is struck from the rear by another vehicle, the driver of the vehicle that was struck from the rear is found liable.

Due to the fact that there has been such an increase in litigation in our society, many insurance carriers will assert that the incident occurred as a result of a “jack-rabbit start.” This is an incident in which one driver abruptly moves forward and equally-abruptly applies his/her brakes. The principal purpose of this maneuver is, as is often assumed, to intentionally cause the vehicle from the rear to strike the front vehicle. Assuming that the facts of the case are clearly established, one may rest assured that settlement loans will not be forthcoming in such fraudulent cases. (One should also take note of the fact that such actions, once discovered, may result in criminal prosecution.)

However, the purpose of this article is to discuss settlement loans and their relationship to car wrecks and neck injuries resulting from such occurrences. Individuals who are involved in car wrecks are encouraged to seek medical attention for an evaluation to determine both the extent and severity of injury sustained, if any. Unfortunately, individuals are often injured in car wrecks and aren’t aware of that fact until sometime later. Too frequently, this is subsequent to the date on which the individual causing the accident has been released from all liability with respect to that particular incident.

When making a determination as to the extent and severity of injuries, both providers and their patients are caught in the cross-fire of the desire to proceed with best-practices and the desire to focus efforts on cost-containment. Unfortunately, such actions are often in conflict with one another. If the provider makes a determination that enhanced imaging (e.g., MRI or CT) will be required to properly assess the patient, the insurance carrier is going to allege one of several things. The most frequent allegation from the insurance carrier is that such imaging was not medically necessary. If the imaging is obtained and significant findings are noted, the insurance carrier will allege that these findings were pre-existing. If no enhanced imaging is obtained, the insurance carrier will assert that there were no substantial injuries as a result of the car wreck. This is just one of the many reasons that legal counsel is absolutely essential in prosecuting claims against insurance carriers.

I would encourage any individual who suffers neck pain as a result of a car wreck to seek medical attention as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the longer it takes for the individual to seek medical attention, the more likely it is that the outcome will be degraded. Additionally, the insurance carrier will use the delay against the plaintiff, alleging that if injuries had been sustained, the plaintiff would have sought medical attention immediately thereafter. More importantly, it is important to realize that life-threatening injuries are often undetected by lay individuals. It is important to seek the attention of a qualified medical provider who is experienced in handling injuries resulting from car wrecks.

Naturally, the insurance carrier will argue that a delay in seeking care suggests that the injuries were either mild or nonexistent. Additionally, insurance carriers will allege that the care sought was principally attorney-directed. There is little to be gained by prolonging the first visit to a qualified healthcare provider following a car wreck.

In addition to seeking qualified medical attention, it is also vitally important to seek competent legal counsel. Yes, I realize it’s very easy to find individuals who specialize in Personal Injury cases. However, you want an attorney who is willing to take your case to trial, if necessary. Additionally, you want an attorney who will not “farm” your case out to a litigation-firm if the “going gets rough.” There are many attorneys out there who claim to specialize in Personal Injury cases. However, the attorneys who excel in this field are relatively far-and-few between.

Bear in mind, general practitioners are customarily not very helpful in making a determination as to the extent and severity of injury sustained as result of a car wreck.

One of the primary reasons this occurs is the fact that family physicians are aware that major medical insurance policies do not cover injuries sustained in car wrecks. Therefore, it is not in their best interest to identify injuries arising from an incident for which the patient has no insurance coverage. Additionally, many of the patients will work to discourage their physicians from correctly categorizing the incident at the time to avoid having to pay out-of-pocket for a particular office visit. However, this often spells disaster for those who attempt to resolve claims against insurance carriers and subsequently attempt to gain either lawsuit funding or settlement loans.

The omission of the this factor in the medical record makes it extremely easy for the insurance carrier to demonstrate before a jury that this individual who is now claiming that their insured caused injuries presented to a medical provider soon after the car wreck and made absolutely no mention of the fact that they were either involved in a car wreck or sustained any injuries as a result thereof. The medical provider who evaluated the patient at that time makes absolutely no mention of injuries arising from a car wreck. In fact, there is absolutely no mention of the car wreck in the records whatsoever

Certainly, the intent of this article is not to disparage family physicians. I would argue that most family physicians practice in an ethical and prudent manner. However, I’ve had an opportunity to review thousands of claims from essentially all over the United States for more than 20 years. There can be no doubt that such omissions often arise in an effort to intentionally mischaracterize the nature of the conditions for which the patient seeks care following a car wreck to assist the patient in being able to obtain insurance coverage for a particular visit/treatment.

Once again, those individuals who have sustained injuries as a result of a car wreck are encouraged to seek both medical attention and competent legal counsel as quickly as possible. One should not forget that individuals who seek either lawsuit funding or settlement loans will not find such funding forthcoming if the records are not adequately documented and competent legal counsel has not been retained.

Looking for more information about lawsuit funding? Please allow us to provide more information regarding lawsuit settlement loans. Please stop by today, and you may either apply online for a lawsuit settlement loan or review our settlement loans frequently asked questions archive.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lawsuit Loans, and Lawsuit Funding: How Do You Get Them Funded?

How wonderful! I've been informed that my case qualifies for lawsuit funding. How does that help me? More significantly, how many of those cases that "qualify" are actually successful in obtaining the settlement loans they seek? Just what does make the difference?

How wonderful! I've been informed that my case qualifies for lawsuit funding. How does that help me? More significantly, how many of those cases that "qualify" are actually successful in obtaining the settlement loans they seek? Just what does make the difference?

The industry out of which lawsuit funding is spawned is quite intriguing. Since I've been involved with this industry, viewing it through the eyes of both an attorney and healthcare provider, one thing is unmistakably clear - the vast majority of cases that are submitted for pre-settlement loans get denied right out of the starting-gait! To what can this be attributed?

Unequivocally, the vast majority of individuals who seek settlement loans are unable to demonstrate that they've sustained any specific losses/injuries. For those individuals who are unable to demonstrate such losses/injuries, it is extremely unlikely that they will prevail in the underlying lawsuit. It would be virtually impossible for them to succeed in obtaining settlement loans.

Make no mistake about it, it is very easy to file a lawsuit in this era. Contrariwise, it is often very difficult to prevail in the lawsuit once it is filed. Plaintiffs should keep uppermost in their minds the fact that the defendants are going to be viewing the situation, in almost all instances, quite differently than do the plaintiffs. Many plaintiffs find insurance carriers extremely reticent to pay out any money to plaintiffs for alleged injuries/losses. Never forget, those cases that are unlikely to prevail in the underlying litigation have virtually no chance of succeeding in obtaining settlement loans.

If you intend to obtain a pre-settlement loan, remember it's your responsibility to clearly document what it is that you sustained by way of either loss or injury. Failure to do so will doom a case to failure. Therefore, it is prudent to retain competent legal counsel as you navigate these waters.

Many plaintiffs submit applications to Legal Settlement Loans requesting settlement funding as pro se litigants. A fact that is vital for all individuals who seek lawsuit funding is this - without an attorney, it is extremely unlikely that the funding sought will be obtained. Very few funding entities would be willing to advance funds to individuals who have no experience in this arena.

A well-accepted adage in Law is the following: "The attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client." Rarely, is this not true in the case of attorneys. It is extremely likely to be the case for pro se litigants who are dealing with adverse parties, parties who are willing to do whatever it takes to see to it that the plaintiff does not prevail in the underlying action.

Furthermore, those pursuing lawsuit funding must be prepared to proffer expert witnesses who are both reputable and credible with respect to the issues litigated. It will be necessary to have an individual who can clearly establish the link between the injuries allegedly sustained and the incident involving the plaintiff and the defendant. An example of this is a recent case brought to Legal Settlement Loans. That case involved "toxic mold." The applicant had obtained an expert's opinion regarding either the existence of toxic mold or the extent of injuries allegedly sustained.

Success in obtaining settlement loan essentially relies on three key components: (1) the plaintiff must retain competent legal counsel; (2) it is wise to only submit claims for lawsuit loans for which injuries are clearly demonstrable; and (3) the plaintiff must be prepared to produce an expert who is both reputable and able to satisfactorily communicate the link between the alleged incident and the injuries arising from that incident. (Such testimony may be obtained either by depositions or written opinions, to name but a few methods.)

The vast majority of funding-entities offer virtually no guidance to those who seek settlement loans. However, litigation funding experts work very closely with their clients to assist them in finding the pre-settlement loans that are most applicable to the cases submitted. Additionally, these litigation funding experts will work closely with clients to assist them in finding the funding-entities that have the financing arrangements that are most desirable for the client's needs. (Additionally, they will assist their clients in obtaining the funding as quickly as possible.)

Plaintiffs are wise to keep in mind that it isn't sufficient merely to have a case that "qualifies" for lawsuit loans. If you want to obtain the litigation financing needed to pursue a lawsuit through to an appropriate conclusion, it will be necessary for you to present a case that is "ripe" for funding.

Do you think a lawsuit settlement loan is right for you? Would you like to learn more about lawsuit funding? Please visit us today and you may apply online for lawsuit funding and learn more about the benefits of settlement loans.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lawsuit Funding and Settlement Loans: Why Is It Taking So Long?

A large percentage of our clients ask, “How long does it normally take to receive lawsuit funding and settlement loans.” Those who have requested pre-settlement loans from other companies prior to coming to us ask, “Why does it take so long to obtain lawsuit loans?” Truthfully, the answer to that question hinges principally on both the clients and their attorneys. In those instances in which both clients and their attorneys are cooperative, the process is usually very fast.

Many of the funding-entities that offer lawsuit loans suggest that their clients will only be required to submit a one-page application. This is nonsense! These funding-entities fail to inform the applicants that the length of time it takes to obtain pre-settlement loans will be determined by the length of time it takes for the clients’ attorneys to provide the requested documentation. Why not expedite the process by involving the client? After all, the attorneys represent and work for the clients, not the funding-entities. Furthermore, most clients want their lawsuit funding and settlement loans yesterday!

The vast majority of individuals who have obtained pre-settlement loans know quite well that no lawsuit loans will be advanced prior to procuring requisite documentation. Credible lawsuit funding companies are will provide neither lawsuit funding nor settlement loans before receiving information clearly setting-forth the facts of the case, the jurisdiction in which the lawsuit was filed, the amount of damages pursued, costs incurred, etc.

Fortunately, most lawsuit settlement entities provide ample notice to their clients that merely submitting a one-page application is not going to expedite application-processing of their applications. While it is true that one-page applications simplify the process, it is merely a ruse intended to capture the client, with little regard to the clients’ needs. It invariably takes much longer to procure necessary documents from legal representatives when the applicants are not involved. The most prudent course of action is to involve the clients early in the process. This will very likely decrease the amount of time required to obtain pre-settlement loans.

Funding-entities offering lawsuit funding and settlement loans that encourage their client to merely submit one-page applications do a disservice to their clients and are merely seeking to advance miniscule amounts at high rates, irrespective of the clients’ needs. Naturally, it does not require much effort to determine whether a lawsuit is worth a lawsuit loan of only $100. However, those clients who seriously need substantial lawsuit loans (e.g., $100,000) would be wise to work only with reputable litigation funding experts to obtain their pre-settlement loans as quickly as possible. There is absolutely no conceivable scenario in which a one-page application will suffice.

Furthermore, bona fide litigation funding experts who offer lawsuit loans will make it unmistakably clear what issues are involved in procuring the lawsuit loans their clients seek. Although some cases may receive advances within 24-72 hours, this is the exception rather than the rule.

Individuals who are serious regarding pursuing and receiving lawsuit funding and settlement loans would be judicious in selecting those lawsuit funding experts with whom they are able to work alongside to obtain the necessary records as quickly as possible. Furthermore, credible litigation funding experts are more than willing to assist their clients in understanding what it is that they must know to obtain the lawsuit loans they seek.

There can be no doubt that lawsuit funding and settlement loans often prove very helpful for individuals who pursue pre-settlement loans. To augment the benefit of the funding, individuals who pursue lawsuit loans are best-served by litigation funding experts who work efficiently to ensure that their clients comprehend what is required to receive lawsuit funding and settlement loans.

A large percentage of cases result in individuals receiving an answer to the request for pre-settlement loans within one week of the date on which the application-packet is completed. Of course, this presupposes an acceptable-level of cooperation between litigation funding experts, clients, and their attorneys.

Do you think a lawsuit settlement loan is right for you? Would you like to learn more about lawsuit funding? Please visit us today and you may apply online for lawsuit funding and learn more about the benefits of settlement loans.