Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lawsuit Funding - Why Are Attorneys Recommending This For Their Clients?

With each passing day, lawsuit funding is becoming more and more popular in the United States. In fact, leaders in the industry reported that in excess of 25,000 requests for settlement loans reach their desk every month. This increased demand has resulted in a significant number of attorneys now recommending this form of financing to their clients.

The growth in this industry has been nothing short of phenomenal! A decade ago, this instrument was something about which most attorneys knew absolutely nothing. However, this form of financial assistance is extremely popular, and attorneys are realizing the need for this assistance on an increasing basis. Significantly, many of these attorneys are realizing that, without lawsuit funding, clients would be unable to continue the litigation.

While it is true that there are many attorneys who are reluctant to recommend lawsuit funding to their clients, the number is decreasing with each passing day. Many of the individuals who are reluctant to recommend this financing to their clients are relatively new to the profession and have little experience with those clients who are in dire-straits financially. On the other end of the spectrum, we have those attorneys who have been in practice for a long period of time and are simply unaware of the benefits such funding may provide their clients.

It's relatively easy to state that individuals should not rely on such financing. Individuals may think that it's too expensive for their clients to utilize. However, if you're the individual who is financially-underwater, fearful of losing your home, unable to work, etc. your view of the need for this form of financing is likely to be much different.

It is encouraging to note that the number of attorneys who express reservations regarding the use of lawsuit funding is decreasing. It is also encouraging to note that the number of attorneys who are reluctant to recommend to their clients that they obtain a settlement loan due to their fear of losing a percentage of the amount that they will be awarded as attorneys, is small. The vast majority of attorneys genuinely want to assist their clients in obtaining the justice they seek.

In many instances, lawsuit funding is viewed as a lifeline to clients! Individuals who obtain such funding are extremely diverse. Many of these individuals are single-the parents, individuals who lack sufficient financial resources to continue to pay mounting expenses, individuals who, as result of the loss of a paycheck, may be subject to eviction from their homes, loss of their automobile, etc. To these individuals, lawsuit funding may be a last resort.

The fact that Personal Injury attorneys are able to work on a contingency-basis is often the only reason many plaintiffs are able to pursue litigation against those who cause them harm. As a consequence thereof, lawsuit funding is often the only reason such plaintiffs are able to continue to pursue the individual caused them harm until justice is obtained.

Lawsuit funding may allow you to meet your financial obligations (e.g., pay bills, pay your mortgage, put fuel in your car, put food on the table, etc.). If your attorney is not familiar with lawsuit loans, this is your opportunity to share valuable information with your attorney!

Interested in learning more about lawsuit funding? Please visit us today. There you may learn more about lawsuit settlement loans and even apply online for lawsuit funding.

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