Saturday, December 19, 2009

What Are The Key Factors To Consider When Applying For A Lawsuit Loan?

Put yourself in the underwriter’s shoes! What is it that you would want to see prior to loaning someone your money? Remember, in almost all cases, the underwriter will have never met the applicant. The underwriter must rely simply on the documents submitted for review.

It is axiomatic that the request for funding is a critical component in obtaining your lawsuit loan! It is amazing that many individuals submit partially-completed request for funding, and contact us almost immediately asking why they have not obtained the lawsuit loan requested. Frankly, if you’re not willing to complete a one-page request for funding, it is unlikely that you’ll find either a broker or underwriter who will be interested in devoting much time on your case.

To get things started, you must grab the underwriter’s attention. If you fail to grab the underwriter’s attention from the outset, you significantly decrease the chances of obtaining the funding that you seek. You should recall that the underwriter is looking for reasons to provide the lawsuit loan you request, not reject it. However, the underwriter is going to have to submit your request to underwriters who will look very closely at your case prior to providing non-recourse funding.

I have provided two examples for you to review and would ask you to make a determination as to which of these applicants would you provide funding:

The first case deals with an incident that occurred in a Good Will store. The applicant stated, “I was at a Goodwill store, sorting through the clothes when a coat hanger jumped out and smacked me on the bridge of my nose.”

The second case deals with the motorcycle incident. The applicant informed us, “I was on a motorcycle. The car driver was traveling in the opposite direction and turned left in front of me. The car driver was cited for failure to yield.”

Would you be surprised to learn that the Goodwill Store incident, although humorous, did not receive funding? Would you be surprised to learn that the motorcycle incident-applicant was funded? I suspect that we would all agree on the candidate to whom we would issue a non-recourse lawsuit loan.

The lesson to be learned is, before you submit a request for funding to obtain a lawsuit loan, review it to ensure that your case is meritorious. Your chances of obtaining a lawsuit loan are minimal if you’re only able to make a “red-faced” argument to support your case!

Are you confused about obtaining a lawsuit loan? Please stop by our site to find out all about the benefits of obtaining lawsuit loans and what they can do for you.

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